How It Works
If Paid Memberships Pro is installed you can sync users by membership level, otherwise all users can be synced to one or more lists.
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You must have the Paid Memberships Pro plugin installed and activated to use this Add On.
- Navigate to Memberships > Add Ons in the WordPress admin.
- Locate the Add On and click “Install Now“.
- Or, to install this plugin manually, download the .zip file above.
- Upload the compressed directory (.zip) via the Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin screen in the WordPress admin.
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in the WordPress admin.
- Navigate to Settings > PMPro AWeber in the WordPress dashboard to authorize your app with AWeber and then assign users to lists based on Membership Level.
- To select multiple lists for All Users or per membership level, hold the CTRL button (or ⌘ Command key on Mac) and click each to multi-select your lists.
Action and Filter Hooks
This Add On includes one filter hook that allow you to customize the fields included when a user or member is added to your AWeber account.
apply_filters( 'pmpro_aweber_custom_fields', array $custom_fields, object $list_user );
Here is a recipe that demonstrates using this filter.

This is a Free Add On.
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