Slack is a messaging app for teams. You can use Slack in your browser, or via a native app for iOS, Android, Mac, or Windows.

Slack App Membership site notifications example


  1. Download the zip file above and upload the ‘pmpro-slack’ directory to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory of your site.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Navigate to Settings > PMPro Slack in the WordPress admin to configure the add on.


First, follow this guide from Slack to create a new incoming webhook.

Then under Settings > PMPro Slack in the WordPress admin:

  1. Paste the webhook URL into the “Webhook URL” field
  2. Select the levels you’d like to receive Slack notifications for
  3. click “Save Changes”


The PMPro Slack Settings Page

This is a Free Add On.

Create a free account or log in to gain access to downloads and documentation.