Temporarily restrict content for a member that is ‘paused’ or otherwise blocked from using the features of your membership site. This recipe adds a single checkbox for admins to “Deny Access to Member Content” for a specific user.

You can use this recipe in combination with suspending or pausing the member’s subscription at the gateway to put their account on a temporary hold.

Profile field to deny access to member content

Restricted content message filtered for a paused member

The Code Recipe

Note: this recipe requires the Register Helper Add On.

Adding the recipe to your website

You can add this recipe to your site by creating a custom plugin or using the Code Snippets plugin available for free in the WordPress repository. Read this companion article for step-by-step directions on either method.

Optionally update the messages on lines 52 and 72 to fit your needs. This recipe shows a default link to a “contact” page that may or may not exist at that location on your site.

Once installed and configured, you can edit a single member’s account and check the box to “Deny Access to Member Content”. The member will not be able to access any protected content until you reinstate their account.

Restricted content message filtered for a paused member

Free Course: Membership Site Development—The Basics

Develop a deeper understanding of membership site development in this beginner-level course. Learn how to make your site work better, save yourself time and money, and improve your site's performance.

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