By default, WordPress User Registration process will send the user a “New User” notification email. If you are using Paid Memberships Pro, we offer several settings you can adjust related to admin and member emails sent at membership checkout.

By default, PMPro will not send the admin or the user any default WordPress registration emails. If you’d like to adjust this setting, continue reading for more details.

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About New User Notifications

With PMPro installed, your new members will get one “Membership Confirmation” email. This email contains information about their membership account and any additional content you have added. You can add the “Confirmation Message” to the email by customizing your email templates within PMPro.

We do not include the WordPress default user notification email that includes their username and password. It is our belief that just one email is enough. Members may feel that receiving an email with their plaintext password is a security issue.

How to Send the WordPress New User Notification

If you find that you do indeed want to send this default email, follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to Memberships > Settings > Email Settings in the WordPress admin area.
  • Under Other Email Settings > Send members emails, check the box to send the “Default WP notification email.”
  • Save All Settings.

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