Explore the extensive developer benefits in Paid Memberships Pro with our detailed documentation, covering everything from action and filter hooks to advanced development techniques.

Learn about our security practices, PHP classes, user capabilities, page redirections, API integrations, and caching strategies to optimize your membership site. Dive into code recipes, examples, and best practices designed to help you extend and customize your WordPress experience with confidence.

Action and Filter Hooks

Browse the database of various action and filter hooks available in Paid Memberships Pro. Select an action or filter to view detailed information, examples, and related articles with code recipes.


Advanced Developer Code Recipes

Paid Memberships Pro is built in way that developers can extend and customize the core functionality using a variety of available classes, action hooks, filter hooks, and native functions.



Paid Memberships Pro currently offers support for two APIs available in WordPress: the REST API and the XML-RPC method. Read the additional documentation pages below to explore these two options. You may also want to check out our Zapier App and documentation, which is another method to connect your site with third party applications.



Caching is a way to speed up your website load time. With caching, a rendered version of some or all of the page is saved on your web server. When someone visits your site, the cached version is loaded instead of generating the entire page each time.



Paid Memberships Pro adds the following list of capabilities upon activation. Every user with the administrator role will be assigned the full list of capabilities below. Use the Membership Manager Role Add On to allow a user to access the “Membership” area WordPress, without having to give them full admin access.



This documentation details the important PHP classes for reference as you develop and extend Paid Memberships Pro. This is a PHP class reference for the key objects and methods in the Paid Memberships Pro codebase.



Each frontend page in Paid Memberships Pro has specific redirect rules. This documentation page explains the redirects logic in the core plugin, including how users and members are redirected on log in and when accessing the membership account area. We’ll also cover how you can customize redirect rules using filters.



This document will discuss how we handle security while developing and maintaining Paid Memberships Pro and its related Add Ons. There are many things you can do to keep your WordPress site secure, but this document is focused solely on our development practices, how to notify us of a security vulnerability, and other frequently asked (more…)


Time Zones

In your WordPress site, there are 3 distinct places that are trying to control the current time and time zone. For best results, all three of these areas should have the same time zone set: This documentation explains how Paid Memberships Pro handles time zones and converting time. You can also use this guide to (more…)


Last updated on June 27, 2024

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