Paid Memberships Pro currently offers support for two APIs available in WordPress: the REST API and the XML-RPC method. Read the additional documentation pages below to explore these two options. You may also want to check out our Zapier App and documentation, which is another method to connect your site with third party applications.

REST API Methods

The WordPress REST API allows you to get data in and out of your WordPress site. There are several built-in REST API methods offered in WordPress, each requiring proper authentication before information is received or distributed. Paid Memberships Pro now includes 7 REST API methods for interacting with your membership site data. The REST API (more…)


WordPress XML-RPC Methods

There are two XML-RPC methods available in PMPro that extend upon WordPress’ support for this API. You can read more about XML-RPC support in the WordPress Codex here. To use either method, you must authenticate the request with a username and password for an Administrator-role user that has the pmpro_xmlrpc capability in the WordPress site.


Want to build your own API?

If you have a more specific integration need, this article demonstrates how to build your own basic API. Many developers find this method easier to move information in and out of a PMPro-powered membership site.

Last updated on June 27, 2024

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