The PMPro_Discount_Code
class holds information about PMPro discount codes and can be used to create, update, delete, or get information about discount codes.
Example of the PMPro_Discount_Code Class
To instantiate this class, use:
$discount_code = new PMPro_Discount_Code();
Constructor Parameters
string $code = null
The discount code that should be used to retrieve this object. If null, a blank PMPro_Discount_Code
object is created. Some examples:
$discount_code = new PMPro_Discount_Code( '1' );
This code would retrieve a PMPro_Discount_Code
object for discount ID 1
$discount_code = new PMPro_Discount_Code( 'S0DE87D5119' );
This code would retrieve a PMPro_Discount_Code
object for discount code S0DE87D5119
string code
Unique identifier for this discount code.
string starts
The starting date of when this discount code will be valid from.
string expires
The expiration date of when this discount code will be valid up to.
string uses
The number of times this discount has been used.
array levels
The levels that this discount code applies to along with the changes the discount code applies.
string $discount_code->levels['initial_payment']
The initial amount a member would be billed upon signing up for a membership.
string $discount_code->levels['billing_amount']
The recurring amount a member would be billed upon signing up for a membership.
string $discount_code->levels['cycle_number']
The number of billing cycles for that level.
string $discount_code->levels['cycle_period']
The billing cycle period. Possible values are “Day”, “Week”, “Month”, and “Year”.
string $discount_code->levels['billing_limit']
The maximum number of times this level can bill a customer.
string $discount_code->levels['custom_trial']
Specifies if a custom trial is active for that level.
string $discount_code->levels['trial_amount']
The trial amount that a member would be billed for.
string $discount_code->levels['trial_limit']
The length of the trial for the level
int $discount_code->levels['expiration_number']
The number after how long a level is active would expire after. Example: 2 Months
string $discount_code->levels['expiration_period']
The expiration period. Possible values are “Day”, “Week”, “Month”, and “Year”.
Public Methods
get_discount_code_by_id( $id );
Get the discount code object by ID
string $id – The discount code ID
Object, the discount code object containing that specific discount code’s data. If not found, returns false.
$discount_code = new PMPro_Discount_Code(); $discount_code->get_discount_code_by_id( '1' );
get_discount_code_by_code( $code );
Gets the discount code object by the discount code
string $code – The discount code
Object, the discount code object containing that specific discount code’s data. If not found, returns false.
$discount_code = new PMPro_Discount_Code(); $discount_code->get_discount_code_by_code( 'S0DE87D5119' );
Gets an empty but complete discount code object.
$discount_code = new PMPro_Discount_Code(); $discount_code->get_empty_discount_code( 'S0DE87D5119' );
Object, containing an empty discount code template.
get_discount_code_billing( $code );
string $code – The discount code
Object, The discount code object with the billing details associated with each level in the discount code.
$discount_code = new PMPro_Discount_Code( 'S0DE87D5119' ); $discount_code->get_discount_code_billing( 'S0DE87D5119' );
Method used to save the discount code when creating or updating a discount code.
The recently saved discount code object.
$discount_code = new PMPro_Discount_Code(); $discount_code->code = 'XYZ1234'; $discount_code->start = '2023-12-01'; $discount_code->expires = '2023-12-31'; $discount_code->save();
Action and Filter Hooks
- pmpro_add_discount_code
- pmpro_added_discount_code
- pmpro_update_discount_code
- pmpro_updated_discount_code
Last updated on June 27, 2024