Many Paid Memberships Pro sites leverage a builder to create their membership site. Continue reading to explore specific compatibility for the popular page builders listed below or view this guide on resolving known conflicts with Page Builders in general.

Block Editor (Gutenberg)

Paid Memberships Pro supports the WordPress Block Editor with 15 blocks included in the core plugin. We’re also extending our Add Ons where a Block would make sense. We’ve included blocks to replicate the shortcode functionality for all of the core plugin’s Page Shortcodes which can now be configured using Frontend Page Blocks.

Aside from the blocks that output required frontend page content, check out the Content Visibility block and block settings. This block, formerly called the Membership Required block, can be used to restrict access to nested block content in loads of ways. The block settings also allow you to swap the block content with the message for non-members as defined under Memberships > Settings > Advanced.



Elementor is a popular page builder natively supported in the core Paid Memberships Pro plugin (PMPro). With this integration, you will be able to restrict content at the element, container or widget level. You can choose to display content to non-members or for specific membership levels. PMPro’s Elementor integration gives you more flexibility over the (more…)



Divi is a popular page builder natively supported in the core Paid Memberships Pro plugin. With this integration, you will be able to restrict content at the section or row level. You can choose to display content to non-members or for specific membership levels. This integration gives you more flexibility over the appearance and the (more…)


Beaver Builder

Beaver Builder helps users design and create a WordPress website. This page builder is now natively supported in the core Paid Memberships Pro plugin. With this integration, you will be able to restrict individual content modules for non-members or for specific membership levels.


Oxygen Builder

Oxygen Builder is a popular page builder natively supported in the core Paid Memberships Pro plugin. With this integration, you will be able to restrict content at the section or row level. You can choose to display content to specific membership levels or for non-members only.


SiteOrigin Page Builder

SiteOrigin Page Builder is a popular WordPress plugin that allows you to create and edit web page layouts using a simple drag-and-drop interface. This gives you more flexibility over the appearance and the content restrictions in your membership site without needing to code.


Last updated on July 22, 2024

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