These shortcodes can be used anywhere in your site, either in post content or widgets, or via template files using the WordPress do_shortcode
[membership] Shortcode
Use this shortcode to hide or show content based on the current user’s membership level. The shortcode can be used in any post or widget to show certain content to certain membership levels.
[pmpro_member] Shortcode
Use this shortcode to show specific information on the current “logged in” member.
The shortcode accepts four attributes:
: Required; Specify which piece of member information to output. The available field values are those included the users table, usermeta table (including custom user fields or fields added by other plugins), and all fields related to membership that are stored in custom Paid Memberships Pro tables. You can only specify one value for thefield
: Optional; Set a specific User ID to show member info about. If you do not include this field, the shortcode will pull info from the current logged in user.levels
: Optional; Set the single level ID or a comma-separated list of level IDs to pull data
: Optional; Set the specific Level Group ID to target all levels in that specific group.
[pmpro_member field="last_name"]
If you want to show multiple fields in the same section, repeat the shortcode like the following example:
Welcome, [pmpro_member field="first_name"] [pmpro_member field="last_name"]. It's good to have you here!
Supported “field” Values Include:
Membership Level Fields:
- membership_id
- membership_name
- membership_description
- membership_confirmation
- membership_initial_payment
- membership_billing_amount
- membership_cycle_number
- membership_cycle_period
- membership_billing_limit
- membership_trial_amount
- membership_trial_limit
- membership_startdate
- membership_enddate
Fields Stored in the users
- user_login
- user_email
- user_url
- user_registered
- display_name
User Metadata:
- first_name
- last_name
- (any
Specialty Fields:
- avatar
[pmpro_checkout_button] Shortcode
This shortcode inserts a formatted link to the checkout page for the attributed membership level. It’s useful when you build a custom membership level landing page or custom levels page using your theme or a page builder.
- class: the button’s CSS class. Default: pmpro_btn.
- level: the level ID to display the checkout link for.
- text: the text of the checkout button. Default: “Sign Up for {level name} Now”.
[pmpro_checkout_button class="pmpro_btn" level="1" text="Buy Now"]
Last updated on March 11, 2025