If you need to deeply modify the default appearance of the frontend Paid Memberships Pro pages, you can use a few methods:

  1. You can edit the page in your WordPress site using the Block Editor or another page builder.
  2. You can follow the articles in our blog on how to adjust the appearance of your frontend membership pages.
  3. You can adjust the appearance of frontend pages using custom CSS.
  4. Or, you can completely overhaul the default templates with a custom PHP template (not recommended; for advanced developers only).

How to Make Updates Safely and Preserve Core Plugin Updates

If you want to change the PMPro page templates, it is important that you follow the instructions below instead of editing over the templates inside the plugin folder. Changing any of the core code in the PMPro plugin will keep you from updating PMPro when new versions become available, and new versions are available on an almost weekly basis as we fix bugs, shore up security, and add new features. You WILL want to update PMPro as new versions are released. And we will not support older versions of the plugin.

Add Custom CSS

Paid Memberships Pro-generated pages can be modified in many ways, such as using a Page Builder, the Block Editor, and even using custom CSS. This documentation page explores a few ways to customize your frontend pages using stylesheets and custom CSS.


Customizing via Theme Templates

Paid Memberships Pro-generated pages can be completely redesigned via template files in your theme. Whenever possible, use action or filter hooks or custom CSS to make modifications to page layouts.


Customizing via a Custom Plugin

Paid Memberships Pro-generated pages can be redesigned via template files loaded in a customizations plugin, preserving your ability to update or modify your theme without overwriting any PMPro-related code.


Template Versions and Outdated Templates

As of PMPro v2.11, all frontend page templates are now marked with a specific template version. This update allows us to detect when a custom plugin or theme are loading an outdated template and support site owners in identifying what files are out of sync. While it doesn’t happen too often, we do have to (more…)


Last updated on June 27, 2024

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