Browse the database of various action and filter hooks available in Paid Memberships Pro. Select an action or filter to view detailed information, examples, and related articles with code recipes.
Show Action and Filter Hooks in:
Action Hook: Use this hook to execute custom code just before a membership level is deleted. This passes the ID of the membership level to be deleted.
Filter Hook: Filter to add additional page title action links on the Memberships > Settings > Levels page in the WordPress admin.
Filter Hook: Add extra user row actions or links to the Memberships > Settings > Levels page in the WordPress admin. This filter works similar to the WordPress core user_row actions filter. Additional row actions should be formatted as array: 'key' => 'HTML link'.
Filter Hook: Allow third-parties and Add Ons to override the HTML for the Membership Levels table.
Action Hook: Use in combination with the pmpro_membership_levels_table_extra_cols_header hook to add extra columns to the Membership Levels admin page. This hook accepts the HTML code for the level to populate the extra column.
Action Hook: Use in combination with the pmpro_membership_levels_table_extra_cols_body hook to add extra columns to the Membership Levels admin page. This hook accepts the header HTML code of the extra column.
Action Hook: Allow adding form fields after the Billing Details section on the Edit Membership Level page in the WordPress admin.
Action Hook: Insert form fields or other content inside the “General Information” section of the Edit Membership Level page in the WordPress admin.
Action Hook: Use this hook to add extra fields or execute custom code on the Edit/Add Membership Level pages after the “Other Settings” section.
Action Hook: Insert form fields or other content before the “Billing Information” section of the Edit Membership Level page in the WordPress admin.
Action Hook: Insert form fields or other content before the “Content Settings” section of the Edit Membership Level page in the WordPress admin.
Action Hook: Execute custom code after saving a membership level.