Browse the database of various action and filter hooks available in Paid Memberships Pro. Select an action or filter to view detailed information, examples, and related articles with code recipes.

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Action Hook: Execute custom code to perform a clean up or reset memory limits after the orders CSV is exported.

Action Hook: Hook to execute custom code on the array of order IDs to be exported from the Memberships > Orders > Export to CSV page in the WordPress admin.

Filter Hook: Filter to adjust the default filename for the orders export from the Membership > Orders > Export to CSV page in the WordPress admin.

Filter Hook: Filter hook to add extra columns to the Orders CSV export. Passes an array of column data with the format $extra_columns['heading'] => callback_function.

Filter Hook: Optionally show the deprecated “coupon amount” field on the Orders admin page and in the Orders CSV export.

Filter Hook: Filter to adjust the format of the date as exported in the Orders CSV file.

Filter Hook: Filter to adjust the default data headings included in the orders export from the Membership > Orders > Export to CSV page in the WordPress admin.

Filter Hook: Sets max number of orders exported at a time during CSV export. This filter is used by the Orders CSV export in the core plugin.

Filter Hook: Modifies the tax associated with an order. Passes the tax amount, an array of values such as the price of the order and more, and the MemberOrder object.