Browse the database of various action and filter hooks available in Paid Memberships Pro. Select an action or filter to view detailed information, examples, and related articles with code recipes.
Show Action and Filter Hooks in:
Filter Hook: This filter controls the translation template to load for a specific language by using WordPress’s core function get_locale().
Filter Hook: Use this to filter the content of the body of an email sent by PMPro. This filter returns the email body content and the PMProEmail object.
Filter Hook: This filter makes it easier to add variables to edited email templates by passing an array of key-value pairs. Those values can then be used in email templates with the format: !!key!!. This passes the data array and PMProEmail object.
Filter Hook: Use this to filter the entire PMProEmail object at once. This passes the PMProEmail object.
Filter Hook: Use this to change the headers of an email sent by PMPro. This hook returns the email headers and the PMProEmail object.
Filter Hook: Use this to change the recipient of an email sent by PMPro. This hook returns the recipient and the PMProEmail object.
Filter Hook: Use this to change the sender of an email sent by PMPro. This hook returns the sender and the PMProEmail object.
Filter Hook: Use this to change the sender name of an email sent by PMPro. This hook returns the sender name and the PMProEmail object.
Filter Hook: Use this to change the subject of an email sent by PMPro. This hook returns the subject and the PMProEmail object.
Filter Hook: Use this to change the template name of an email sent by PMPro. The template name specifies which email template to use for the email body. This hook returns the template name and the PMProEmail object.