Browse the database of various action and filter hooks available in Paid Memberships Pro. Select an action or filter to view detailed information, examples, and related articles with code recipes.
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Filter Hook: This hook pmpro_checkout_start_date allows you to change the start date of a membership before checkout.
Filter Hook: FIlters the membership level passed and changes the order accordingly. Passes the membership level ID and user ID of the order.
Filter Hook: Change how the email is checked in the PayPal IPN handler. Passes true or false and an array containing the receiver email and business email.
Filter Hook: Use this filter to change the location of the gateway log target file.
Filter Hook: Determine if an IPN request is valid or not from PayPal.
Filter Hook: Filter to modify which payment statuses to treat as renewal failure when processing the PayPal IPN.
Filter Hook: Filter to modify which txn types to treat as failure when processing the PayPal IPN.
Action Hook: Post processing for a specific PayPal subscription-related IPN event ID.
Action Hook: Execute custom code before saving a successful order. This hook is available for the following gateways: Stripe, PayPal,, Braintree, and TwoCheckout.
Action Hook: Execute custom code when a subscription payment fails. Passes the last successful MemberOrder object.