Paid Memberships Pro supports a variety of custom user fields to capture data about your users and members. The code recipe below will allow you to further customize the membership experience by adding a date picker to your membership checkout page.

Banner image for How to Add a Date Picker to Your WordPress Website

Why Use a Date Picker?

Requesting data from website visitors can sometimes be challenging. You may or may not receive valid entries, and when you do, the data format might be incorrect.

Receiving correctly formatted data is a big deal, especially when you need to process, sort, and filter that data. A date picker helps reduce user ambiguity by requiring a specific selection to be made.

In addition, it also increases the quality of the user experience, by putting fewer demands upon the website visitor. Instead of having your member type out the date, they simply need to select a date from a calendar.

The code recipe below is customizable, allowing you to alter certain variables like the date range, style, and layout.

Screenshot of the User Profile Edit frontend page with a date picker field expanded
Screenshot of the User Profile Edit frontend page with a date picker field expanded

Screenshot of the User Profile Edit frontend page with a populated date field
Screenshot of the User Profile Edit frontend page with a populated date field

Create the User Field for Date Picker

  1. Navigate to Memberships > Settings > User Fields
  2. Choose to add your field to an existing field group or create a new field group called “Birthday” or any name of your choice.
  3. Click “+ Add Field” to create a new field for your referral information.
    • Set the field label to “Birthday” or another label of your choice.
    • Choose the text field type.
    • Important: set the Field Element Class (optional) value to my-datepicker.
    • Refer to our full documentation on adding user fields if you need help adjusting the field settings.
  4. Click Save Settings.
Screenshot of the Settings > User Fields admin page to add a user field for date with the my-datepicker field class
Screenshot of the Settings > User Fields admin page to add a user field for date with the my-datepicker field class

The JavaScript Datepicker Code

Adding the Recipe to Your Website

You can add this recipe to your site by creating a custom plugin or using the Code Snippets plugin available for free in the WordPress repository. Read this companion article for step-by-step directions on either method.

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