Paid Memberships Pro v3.3 has just been released. This is a relatively minor update, with a few enhancements and bug fixes. At the same time, this a very big update.

Banner Image for PMPro v3.3 Core Release Post

Downloads and Updates

This is the first update of the core Paid Memberships Pro plugin that will be served off our own license server instead of the repository. We have been serving our premium plugins and several of our free plugins from our own license server for many years. We will now be serving downloads and updates of our core plugin ourselves. We plan to follow suit for all of our plugins that are hosted at, excepting a few that are co-maintained with other folks there.

The core plugin is still free and users will always be able to update it for free. No account or license key is required to update.

You should be able to update from the Updates or Plugins page of your WordPress dashboard as you always have. Make sure the core Paid Memberships Pro plugin is active and click the “check again” link on the Updates page if you don’t see the update in the list.

You can also download the latest version of Paid Memberships Pro from our downloads page here, then go to Plugins > Add New > Upload and upload the zip file there. Uploading a plugin .zip file of a plugin that is already active in your site will simply overwrite the outdated version.

If you have issues updating, let us know. Our goal was to make this transition as seamless as possible, but unforeseen things may come up for certain sites and hosts and systems running PMPro. Folks can reach out to us through our contact form, our premium support, or through our community Slack.

There is a lot more to say, and Kim and I will answer any questions you have. Our focus is on serving our users and customers first. Thanks for your continued support.

PMPro v3.3 Full Changelog

  • FEATURE: Now updating the plugin from
  • ENHANCEMENT: Updated translation files bundled with the plugin.
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Improved the padding around list tables on large screens. 
  • BUG FIX: Fixed a PHP warning in the pmpro_use_default_login_for_confirm_admin_email() function. 
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