I know that many people are excited about v2.0, which most notably will include support for multiple membership levels per user, and have been waiting for a long time now for the update.
Every day we are asked when v2.0 is going to be released. I’ve been promising PMPro v2.0 will be out “next month” for the past 6 months now. What’s up with that?
The truth is that I haven’t been able to work on the next release as much as I’ve wanted to. We’ve been busy working on the many add-ons we’ve released, supporting the dozens of paid support members who join every week, and trying to deliver for our “do it for me” customers. With too much work on our plate, when push came to shove we’ve been focusing on our paying support and contract customers vs. working on new features.
Even so, there are many people who’ve paid us to work on v2.0 features, and many more who have supported us in other ways with regards to v2.0. It’s important to deliver on those promises and important for PMPro’s future to get v2.0 soon.
To that end, we’ve stopped taking on “do it for me” and smaller consulting projects so we can free up time to deliver for our current customers and also finish up PMPro v2.0. We are focused on delivery v2.0 in May (this month). Next week, I will push out the updated gateway code and new guidelines for how new gateways can be added to PMPro. Soon after, we will have an alpha release that supports multiple membership levels per user. And from there, we will do the work of making all of our add-ons and core code compatible with multiple memberships per user.
Thanks to everyone for your patience and continued support of Paid Memberships Pro.