If you have a large members list or order history and cannot get the full list to export, use the code gist below to increase the memory and execution time.

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Increasing memory and execution time for your Administrator or Membership Manager Accounts

You may have previously used or read about code that can be added your php.ini, .htaccess, or wp-config.php files to increase execution times and memory limits.

However, sometimes you only need the extra memory and time when doing something an admin would be doing: like exporting a members list or orders table.

If this is the case, use the code below to selectively increase the execution time and memory for ONLY the Administrator or Membership Manager roles. This will make sure that normal visitors don’t end up using more memory or apache/etc. services than they need to, which should make your site run smoother.

Adding the recipe to your website

You can add this recipe to your site by creating a custom plugin or using the Code Snippets plugin available for free in the WordPress repository. Read this companion article for step-by-step directions on either method.

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