We’ve made it easier to browse our Add Ons with category filters and ‘ease of use’ ratings. Continue reading for a description of each category and details on how the ratings impact the ongoing development of our Add Ons library.

New Categorization = Easier Filtering
When we realized the number of our Free and Premium Add Ons had gotten so large, we knew something had to be done to improve the browsing experience. Users needed a way to sort through the growing number of extensions to find the right features to improve their membership site.
Add On Categories Include:
- Admin: Plugins that help Administrators stay organized and better manage their PMPro-powered membership site.
- Checkout: Plugins to add features to the checkout experience, such as country/region-specific needs, capturing fields, member communications, payment gateways, security, or tax compliance.
- Content: Extend the capabilities of PMPro’s built-in member restrictions for your specific membership features, including unique content, advertisements, directories, media, events, online communities, and more.
- Email: These Add Ons allow you to integrate with third-party email marketing platforms, make customizations to default member communications, and work with other plugins for newsletters targeted by membership level.
- Enhancement: These plugins add specialized features to your membership site, providing a more complete (and unique) members experience.
- Integration: These plugins provide a bridge between your PMPro-powered membership site and popular third-party plugins or services, ranging from e-commerce, email marketing/CRM, social networks, affiliates, and more.
- Payment: These Add Ons specifically handle how you Get Paid for your membership levels by modifying the price, terms, payment methods, taxes, and more.
- Popular: The Add Ons below are some of the most widely used extensions available for Paid Memberships Pro.
- Third Party: Additional plugins, third-party integrations, or payment gateways that extend your Paid Memberships Pro-powered Site. These plugins are not maintained by Paid Memberships Pro.
- User: Plugins that improve the member’s experience on your site, ranging from UI/UX, design, features, and more, all aimed at increasing value for your members.
Ease of Use Rating

Each Add On has a rating for how easy (or difficult) we feel the plugin is to set up, plan for, and integrate into your membership site.
Not only will these ratings allow you to make more informed choices for your skills, they help us identify which Add Ons need to be improved. We are making an internal commitment to improve the ease of use for more Add Ons wherever possible, which means less coding for you and your developers.
Here’s a general description of what each rating means:
4: The full features of this Add On are immediately available after activation. Example: Capture Name & Address for Free Levels or for Offsite Gateway

3: After activating this Add On, you will need to configure a few settings and options via the WordPress Dashboard. Example: Mailchimp Integration

2: Configuring this Add On requires multiple settings and/or may require basic WordPress and PHP coding skills to set up. Example: Developer’s Toolkit

1: An experienced WordPress developer will be able to help you install and use this add on. Example: Member Network Sites